Friday, September 21, 2007

Are computers the right answer??? (combo of two articles)

"Wow!!!!" "Cool!!!" "New computers!!! Now we can work while in class!!! This is so awesome!!!"

Although that having computers in the class have increased the numbers of test scores and parental help, will the students eventually only pretend to work but send emails and instant messages? I know if I had the chance I would do it. So why have the computers in the classroom?
If you need a computer in the class, use a computer lab. I know that I would like to have a laptop to carry with me everywhere so I can do homework, but I know that that wouldn't happen. But would that really help me, as well as other students? Or would they get caught up in what type, style, and programs they had for their computer?
The students would more likely use the computers for entertainment, not education, as Richard Ohmann argues in his article, "Computers and Technology". The teachers most likely would become worried that the students would become so dependent on the computers that they, the students, wouldn't think for themselves anymore. That's what I am worried about. Also, if the teacher loses a lesson because of a computer malfunction, that would ruin the whole class time. So, I say, save the lesson by writing it manually and orally presenting it to the class. Always have three backups to anything important.
So, the use of computers would help, but also decline learning capabilities of future students. Who really knows what will happen? Everyone will just have to wait and see...

1 comment:

K A T Y said...

expand on this. bring in other points. talk about the future of education. why is technology is being forced upon students?